How to help

As an NGO, we always welcome help of any kind to add value to our services and activities.

We therefore invite individuals, companies, cooperates and the society at large to help us in anyway they can in the following manners:


  1. Register and subscribe as a friend of GCRC for support on our website, facebook and instagram.
  2. Individual monetary donations of any amount can be deposited into the GCRC bank account with details below.
  3. Individuals can sponsor a child, a family through financial and material needs such as school uniform, clothing, food donations and medical assistance.
  4. Individuals can offer their personal and professional skills through pro bono services to the organization especially in the following fields.
  5. Legal services.
  6. Marketing and fundraising.
  7. Psychologists services.
  8. Printing and publications.
  9. Maintenance.


We invite cooperates to help the organization in their mission to change the lives of children in Gauteng through the following means

Sponsorship and resources donations

  1. Sponsorship of GCRC events that promote and protect the rights of children. This will be communicated from time to time on the website
  2. Funding short, medium and long term projects and programmes
  3. Sponsor and/or donate resources such as computers, office equipment, office space and transport

Employee volunteering and donations

  1. Company/ cooperate employee time and skills volunteering
  2. Company/ cooperate employee material sponsorship drives

NAME: Gauteng Children’s Right Committee
BANK: Nedbank
Branch: The Carlton
Account number: 1906 412 146
Branch code: 190605